The Most Powerful Natural Remedy For Swollen Legs

Swelling of the legs can occur for various reasons: the heat, the problems with the blood vessels, renal failure, pregnancy, cardiac insufficiency, hormonal disorders …

Folk medicine has a number of different anti-swelling, but probably the most effective of them – odvar parsley which effectively ejects the excess fluid from the body.

Natural diuretic swelling of the legs at:

To prepare tea from parsley to eliminate swelling, will need fresh and green and the root or the whole plant.

You’ll need some fresh parsley leaves and roots. Chop them up finely and mix them together.

  • Put 500ml of water in a pot and bring the water to boil.
  • Add 5 teaspoons of the parsley mix and boil it for 5 minutes.

After you’ve prepared the tea set it aside, to cool down for about 20 minutes. Strain the tea and drink it 3 times a day.

Soon you’ll notice amazing results and you won’t have any more problems.

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