The Recipe That Destroys The Cancer Cells And Heals The Whole Body

The recipe that we are going to present to you in this post is considered to have magical power over the whole body.

With regular consumption it will boost your immunity system, purify your blood cells and regenerate your liver, kidneys and secretion system. But that’s not all it can even purify the digestive system from pathogenic micro flora.

And if the above mentioned benefits were not enough to convince you to start consuming it there are some more things that you should know.

It is so powerful that affects every part of the body and will improve your memory and the health of your heart and in that way protect you from and heart disease. But the most important thing about it is that it can protect you from carcinoma.


You will need the following ingredients:
  • 1kg hone
  • 400g nuts
  • 15 lemons
  • 12 garlic heads
  • 400g wheat grain
Method of preparation:

Put 400g wheat in a glass and fill the glass with water. Leave the glass like that during the night. The next morning strain the water on some clean towel, wash the grain and strain it through a gaz.

Put the wheat that has been purified in this way in a jar and keep it like that for 24 hours in order for it to sprout.

After this time passes grind the wheat together with the nuts, the garlic and 5 lemons (unpeeled) and mix them all together.  Squeeze the juice from the rest 10 lemons and add it to this mixture too.

When you are done with this add the honey to it and mix with wooden spoon. Store the mixture in a jar and keep it in the fridge. Start consuming this remedy 3days after its preparation.


Take 1 or 2 soup spoons half an hour before the meals during the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and one spoon more before sleeping.  Don’t stop consuming it until you spent all the amount of it that you have prepared.

If you are diagnosed with cancer you should consume this mixture every two hours.  And if the purpose why you are consuming it is just for prevention you should do that only once a year.

The power of this remedy is that it contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins, bioactive substances and carbohydrates.

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