The Truth About Coconut Oil: 5 Facts You Need To Know!

The most popular craze recently is the coconut oil. You should all add it to your diets. It tastes much better than the most of the oils and it is also very beneficial.

According to many, the coconut oil can treat many serious health problems, including HIV, obesity, thyroid disease, heart disease and cancer. It sounds incredibly, and the more incredibly a claim on the internet sounds, the less likely it is to be believed.

So, let’s go step by step and see what the truth about the coconut oil is.

1. High Cholesterol

The effect of coconut oil on cholesterol has been studied, but the discoveries, even though intriguing, do not give us the answer whether it is harmful or beneficial, Dr. Dariush Mozaffrian says an MD of Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health. There is no much evidence confirming that the coconut oil reduces the level of cholesterol.

If you suffer from high cholesterol level, talk to your doctor and ask him for an advice on how to lower it. Increase the intake of fiber and fresh food in your every day regime. Do more exercises. Check your cholesterol levels regularly and if it still does not get lowered, start taking medications.

2. Good Heart Health

In order to maintain your heart healthy, consume healthy food and exercise regularly. That is the best way to maintain your heart’s health. It is recommended that you replace the oils high in saturated fats with coconut oil, because, as the United States Government’s 2010 Dietary Guidelines say, the coconut oil is preferable to many other types of oil, but, however, it should not be over used.

It is recommended that it does not exceed 10 percent of your daily calories, because even those oils which are good for your heart health, like the coconut oil is, increase the danger of heart disease if you consume them in great amounts.

3. Alzheimer’s Disease

In 2012, there was a story that the coconut oil, when consumed in large quantities, can treat Alzheimer’s disease and few more neurological disorders. This story was a result of a theoretical study and some animal studies, and the author’s anecdotal evidence.

It was based on the fact that the medium-chain triglycerides like those in coconut oil can increase the production of ketone in the liver, which supplies the brain cells with an alternative energy when they cannot longer use the glucose as an energy source.

It seems legit, but, there are no human studies to confirm this claim. The resulting opinion is indefinite and we are not sure whether the coconut oil helps when it comes to Alzheimer’s or whether the risk of dementia is lowered. Another thing is that, as we previously mentioned, the excessive intake of coconut oil can cause heart disease. We advice you to consult your doctor before you subject yourself or someone you love to treatment that includes coconut oil.

4. Oil Pulling

One of the most common benefits of coconut oil is the oil pulling. This is a rather unbelievable claim. Oil pulling is actually the act of swishing oil all around your mouth for about 40 minutes and it is known to efficiently remove infections and poisons from your blood. No scientific proof is given to support this statement.

5. Oral Health

Besides for cleansing the blood, there is another claim that says that swishing coconut oil around your mouth is beneficial for the oral health. There are numerous observations that the coconut oil is able to treat gingivitis, cavities, bad breath and other health issues connected to the oral health. Those who need to scientifically confirm this are quiet once again.

The dental experts advice you to do the coconut oil pulling, but gently, and without swallowing the oil. You should also wash your mouth with water after the swishing. However, they warn that you should not replace the routine dental checkups with this habit.

The bottom line.

To sum up, the coconut oil is not nearly as horrible as we once thought. It is a superior alternative to oils high in saturated fats and it protects the heart’s health. Moreover, it tastes really nice. However, it is not the amazing super food as many claims say.

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