This is What Happens to Your Waistline When You Drink a Glass of Red Wine Before Bed

Ending the day with a glass of wine is a common habit for many people. If it is your habit too you should be happy because there are numerous amazing red wine health benefits.

You have probably heard for some of them but I am pretty sure that you are not aware of its weight loss effect.


After this information has been revealed numerous studies have been done in order to find out the way in which the red wine acts in the process of weight loss and whether it is true at all. The results have been pretty favorable.

One of the studies that has been conducted by the Harvard University observed a group of 20,000 women for 13 years and came to conclusion that women who drink two glasses of wine a day were less likely to be overweight.
Some other studies revealed that red wine helps the body burn fat.

Another study conducted by the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry focused on the way in which red wine can aid weight loss and what exactly is going on with grapes and the body.

They experimented this on mice and noticed that mice that were given red wine grape extract stored less liver fat and also had lower blood sugar levels. According to them the acids in the grapes can help delay and slow the growth of fat cells.


Some people say that drinking red wine is excellent evening snack. It is healthy and contains far less calories than snacks like cake, ice cream and chips.

Linda Monk claims that practicing this strategy helped her lose 6 pounds for only three weeks. She also adds that this helped her to curb her sugar cravings and she was able to eat fewer unhealthy snacks before going to sleep.


Besides the weight loss effect red wine has a variety of health benefits. Resveratrol is one of its compounds and it is very powerful antioxidant. It is proven to help in the prevention of different types of cancer.

What is more it is good for your heart health and for preventing Alzheimer’s, as it helps to prevent cell damage. This antioxidant is connected with longer life spans and to improved athletic performance.


You should have in mind that although red wine is healthy and helps in the weight loss process you should not exaggerate in drinking it. You will get these benefits only if you drink it in small amounts.

When we said above that it is good alternative for a snack we didn’t mean that it is something that you should add to your snack. Drinking red wine with your favorite cake can only hurt because it increases the calories.

Be careful when you drink it immediately before sleeping, because it can affect the quality of your sleep. But this is not the same for all people and you know best how your body reacts.

All in all now you can enjoy your glass of wine without any worries, because you know that it can`t do any harm to you.

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