This Recipe Will Help Your Hair Grow Twice As Fast!

Baldness can affect at some stages in life both woman and men. Cancer patients that are undergoing chemotherapy need long time to regrow their hair even though they had beaten cancer. There is simple recipe which has miraculous effects in regrowing hair and some people that had been using it claim that the hair grows twice as fast than it does with the best medications.

In the past people used onions to solve problems with their hair and it gave great promises. Dermatologist made some surveys to see whether it is really effective and they said that there is no possibility for some side effects from using this.

The thing is that red onions contain sulfur that is essential in the growth of hair. Red onion juice also improves the blood circulation that is good for prevention of your hair from falling.

The preparation of this remedy is really simple. All that you will have to do is clean and slice two onions, then juice them in a juicer. In the end add one tablespoon of the honey in the juice and mix it well.

Massage your scalp with this and leave it like that for 30 minutes or an hour. Maybe the odor is not pleasant but the results are totally worth it.

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