Top 10 Home Remedies For Obesity

Obesity is not an issue of vanity: It is now considered to be the 5th highest risk factor for death worldwide. If you have a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 25, it means that the fat accumulation in your body is normal. But, if it reaches 30 or more, then you are classified as obese. The higher the BMI, the more you are at risk for coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, cancer, sleep apnea, reproductive problems, and gallstones.

Besides causing serious health conditions, obesity is also linked with psychological issues like depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Burning excess body fat may seem difficult and “doing the work” is inevitable. However, although healthy eating and exercise are essential, there are other things that you should be aware of and which may be of great help.

Many experts agree that one of the prime culprits of obesity is the strategic distribution and persuasive marketing of cheap, tasty, energy-dense food with addictive flavoring.   Overconsumption of unhealthy food is now regarded as responsible for most chronic diseases. However, you should know that obesity is definitely preventable and reversible. It is critical to choose a good diet and to know which food is good for you. Below are 10 of the best natural remedies that have been proven to have beneficial effects on obesity, cholesterol and metabolism.

Top 10 Home Remedies for Obesity

  1. Lemon

The International Journal of Humanities and Social Science published a study in which lemons were found to significantly reduce cholesterol levels in humans. A group that did proper exercise and reduction of fat intake was assigned to drink one lemon drink per day. This resulted in a significantly reduced LDL (bad cholesterol) level. The study also found that a combination of apple with lemon will double the lemon’s efficiency in reducing cholesterol levels.

Lemons are rich in vitamin C which is considered to help prevent the build-up of plaque in blood vessels which may lead to severe heart conditions. According to evidence, lemons help keep the arteries flexible and protect them against damage.

Tips: To get the most energy and nutrients from the food you eat, drink lemon water about 30 minutes before a meal. Always choose fresh organic lemons and never packaged lemon juice. Rinse them well before using. Never boil the hot lemon water, since the heat will destroy some of the beneficial enzymes. Don’t drink it ice cold because it may hinder the digestive benefits. It is best to drink lemon water warm or at room temperature. You can drink half a lemon with lukewarm water (add one spoon of honey if you like) first thing in the morning to help you with constipation, hyperacidity and obesity.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Dark, unrefined, organically fermented apples naturally contain beneficial enzymes, nutrients and a high concentration of cholesterol-reducing pectin. According to a study conducted at Arizona State University, ACV lowers the impact of carbohydrate-containing foods by raising the blood sugar levels. This may result in better blood sugar readings and improved weight control. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar can help satiate appetite, lower high cholesterol level and improve metabolism – which will result in weight loss.

Tips: Never drink ACV straight because it is high in acetic acid. Instead, mix one tablespoon into a glass of fruit drink, preferably orange or lemon, to hide its sour taste. Drink it before meals. And remember not to take more that 2 tablespoons per day since it may lower your bone mineral density.

  1. Green tea

Green tea is considered by many people to be the healthiest drink in the world. Its content of antioxidants and caffeine increase the metabolism which helps with weight loss.  The Anglia Ruskin University did a study that showed that green tea’s active compound called EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate aids in fat absorption. Combined with exercise, one green tea capsule a day for four weeks reduced the test subjects’ body fat by 1.63% and increased their fat oxidation rates by 25%. Their athletic performance also increased 10.9 percent over the four week period.

Tips: Buy organic green tea, brew with hot but not boiling water, and don’t add sugar.

  1. Cayenne Pepper

According to several studies, eating cayenne pepper assists in weight loss by curbing the cravings for sugary, salty and fatty foods. Plus, it lowered appetite. Of course, it shouldn’t be seen as a sole agent for weight loss – but it may provide assistance in equalizing the metabolism. Consuming cayenne pepper has numerous other health benefits. It contains capsaicin which is believed to be responsible for temporarily increasing the metabolic rate by 25%.

Tips: To suppress appetite, eat an apple, a bowl of soup with cayenne pepper, two glasses of water, and a handful of nuts. According to studies, a small bowl of light, watery soup before a meal will help you regulate your food intake.

  1. Curry Leaves

Besides being a tasty flavoring agent, curry leaves are an excellent herbal remedy, mostly due to their antioxidants content.

Curry leaves have a high antioxidant capacity due to the significant amount of phenols, flavonols, amino acids, and alkaloids. They lower the triglycerides and therefore lower blood glucose and reduce the risk for heart disease.

Tips: Besides using them to flavor your meals, you can also eat them raw every morning. Their taste is not bitter like most people assume. The juice in the leaves is reported to contain enzymes that help break down food.

  1. Tomatoes

All tomatoes, regardless of type, are a rich source of important nutrients and antioxidants, such as alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, folic acid, beta-carotene, and lutein. They contain alpha-lipoic acid that helps in the conversion of glucose into energy — among many other functions. Due to these anti-oxidants, increased consumption of tomatoes is regarded as beneficial in reducing the risk of obesity and mortality.

Tips: Do not substitute fresh tomatoes with ketchup or tomato sauce, since raw tomatoes have a much higher content of nutrients. Also eat the tomato skin since it holds most of the flavonols. The seeds are safe to eat so don’t spare any part.

  1. Cabbage

A research has linked cabbage to a reduction in cholesterol level, especially when combined with broccoli. Cabbage is rich in fiber, which helps with digestion and satiating hunger, while being extremely low in calories. This means that you can enjoy its beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, without worrying about your caloric intake. This makes the “cabbage soup” diet not only satisfying but also healthy.

Tips: Cabbage contains cholesterol-lowering agents. The best way to benefit from these agents is to cook the cabbage by steaming it. This makes this food even more effective than raw cabbage, since the fiber-related compounds bind with your bile acids better when they’ve been steamed. And don’t microwave or long-cook it, since prolonged heat destroys some enzymes that are regarded as useful in preventing cancer.

  1. Fennel

This herb is commonly used in Greek and Italian cuisine. It is rich in nutrients that aid in weight control. Fennel is consumed with all of its parts for taste and nutritional value. A raw fennel bulb contains a number of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and dietary nitrates.

Fennel has some components that play a role in weight management. It contains vitamin B6 which plays a big role in breaking down carbohydrates and proteins into glucose and amino acids. However, fennel’s most important weight loss agent is its dietary fiber which acts as a bulking agent for digestion. This results in lower appetite and a feeling of fullness.

Tips: To get the most health benefits, eat it fresh and raw. You can also add the fibrous parts to salads.

  1. Honey and cinnamon

The combination of honey and cinnamon makes them a great team. Honey is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids and phenolic acid that help shed pounds and boost energy. On the other hand, cinnamon reduces the cholesterol by decreasing the body’s negative effects from eating high fat meals. When combined together, they boost metabolism, get rid of toxins, and increase energy.

Tips: To get the optimal results, it is best to get raw, unheated honey. Use it in moderation since even raw honey is high in sugar. Don’t boil it with water because it will lose its beneficial enzymes. As for cinnamon, and this is very important, only use real cinnamon – cinnamomum verum.

  1. Coconut

One of the main reasons for obesity, especially in children, are sugary drinks. Instead, you can drink coconut water. When compared to sports drinks, coconut water has fewer calories, less sodium and more potassium. And most importantly, it has no added sugar or HFCS. It also contains natural electrolytes that energize the body and prevent dehydration. Coconut water is considered one of the best beverages for the body.

In one study, coconut water was found to counteract the increase in total cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing the levels of good cholesterol or HDL. Coconut oil has shown to have similar benefits.

Tips: Always choose fresh coconut juice instead of concentrate. Juices from bottles tend to be heated, which kills beneficial enzymes. And choose young coconuts since the older have less nutrients in the water. There’s nothing wrong with mature coconuts but as they age, nutrients from the waters seep into the meat.

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