Two Natural Recipes That Will Help You Heal Cracked Skin On Your Handsv

Everyone wants to have beautiful and gentle hands, particularly because they are the part of our body that gets in touch with other people every day, primarily through shaking. If you have dry and cracked skin on your hands, than you have an unpleasant problem. Luckily, there are natural recipes that can repair the cracked skin on your hands, and here are two of them.

Sauerkraut Juice Treatment

Take a bowl with some sauerkraut juice in it. Take another bowl and put some water and a few potatoes in it to boil. Then, add the water from the bowl with the potatoes into the bowl with the sauerkraut juice. Soak your hands in it and hold for about fifteen minutes. Repeat this process at leas twice a week. After a few treatments, the skin on your hands will grow smooth and gentle, and you will get rid of the dryness and the redness.

After you finish this treatment, you should apply some oily hand cream on your hands. The best timing for this treatment is in the evening, because the cream that you will apply on your hands after the treatment will remain on your hands throughout the whole night. It is recommended that you use cotton gloves that you will put on your hands after applying the cream.

A Covering For Cracked Skin

This covering for cracked and dry skin is made of an egg yolk, a small piece of banana and a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix well the ingredients and the cream you get should be applied on your hands. Afterwards, put nylon disposable gloves on your hands. Leave this mixture on your hands for about ten minutes and then remove the gloves and the remains of the covering. The best ways for removing the remains of the covering is by using cotton swab.

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