What Do The Red Moles On The Body Mean?

Angiomas, known as red moles. In medical practice, it is customary to refer to formations of a benign nature. Which consists of lymphatic or blood vessels. Their appearance is due to the impaired functioning of either the circulatory or lymphatic systems. They form during the entire period of a person’s life. But only in children under 7 years of age can angiomas disappear on their own.

Red moles on the body – what is it?

What do the red moles present on the body mean?. According to experts, they are an intermediate link between a malformation and a tumor. The medical literature provides a small amount of information about this phenomenon. This is because red moles do not pose a particular danger to humans. Many people believe that they are congenital.

Types of red dots (angiomas)

Red moles are usually divided into several varieties. Their classification is based on such factors as the cause of appearance, location on the body, the type of vessel that caused its formation.

Depending on the cause of the appearance of angioma, the composition of the tissue, red dots or moles of several varieties are:

  • pineal. A convex neoplasm that rises sharply above the skin.
  • nodular. A small point formation that appeared as a result of the release of a blood vessel on the surface of the skin. Such an angioma does not have a capillary branch.
  • branched or arachnid. The network of small blood vessels departs from the angioma.
  • flat. A mole on the skin in the form of a seal.

Depending on the vessels underlying the formation of red moles, they are called hemangiomas. Moles formed due to an abnormality of blood vessels, and lymphangiomas. Points that appear due to impaired functioning of the lymphatic system.

Depending on the vessels underlying the formation of red moles, they are called hemangiomas. Moles formed due to an abnormality of blood vessels, and lymphangiomas. Points that appear due to impaired functioning of the lymphatic system.

Hemangiomas are impressive in size. Lymphangiomas are rare occurrences. These are small nodules that are soft to the touch and compress easily when pressed. Formed on the neck, mouth, axillary and inguinal areas.

Hemangiomas formed from blood vessels of the circulatory system are distinguished by external signs and sizes:


Formations that can be located anywhere in the body, look like a blue-crimson or bright red spot. They are formed due to the expansion of the capillary vessel.

Cavernous or cavernous

Large formations containing several blood vessels that merge into large cavities. Such hemangiomas are placed above the skin. A typical place of localization is the face. Sometimes they can be on the internal organs – the uterus, spleen, liver.


A pulsating swelling formation that is filled with blood, combines several simple moles.


The smallest hemangiomas, which are small dots.

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