What No Dentist EVER Says About Root Canals And Toxic Bacteria Overgrowth

Annually, more than 60 million root canals are performed, usually on individuals who are not even aware that it is a dangerous and unsafe procedure.

Even though the initial effects are attractive, the truth is that bacteria will never ever be able to be completely eliminated from the tooth. Moreover, after this procedure, even the healthy bacteria will be changed to extremely toxic anaerobic bacteria and will go on thriving and developing inside the tooth, leading to many health issues.

Dr. Weston Price was an excellent dentist and researcher, who examined the link between nutrition, dental and physical health, and his research and studies at the Mayo Clinic showed that bacterial growth in root canals can be transferred to animals and there recreate the same diseases as in the human donor.

The investigation was successful in 80 to 100% of the animals. What’s more, heart disease could be transferred 100% of the time.

The most shocking about it all as that this discovery was found in 1910, so he managed to provide evidence that bacteria and toxins from root canals are able to go into the bloodstream and travel in the body, leading to diseases and issues.

Moreover, Dr. Price also found that many degenerative diseases originate from root canal procedures, such as circulatory and heart disease. Yet, his research and findings were hidden from the public in the 1920’s.

After 70 years, Dr. George Meinig, (one of the founders of the American Association of Endodontists) ,found his works and published his discovery in his book, Root Canal Cover Up.

Let us know review the basic tooth anatomy:

Teeth consist of numerous layers, and the outer layer is the enamel, the second is dentin, while the pulp is the inner core. The periodontal ligament unites the small fibers which come out of the tooth, and the fibers coming out of the bone.

The dentin is not solid, and it is made of tiny dentinal tubules, which, if stretched, would be around three miles long. It is actually here where bacteria can hide and develop.

In his research, the only place where Dr. Price found anaerobic bacteria is this one, in the thousands of teeth examined. As it cannot be sterilized, it is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and multiply and thus lead to infections, and cavitations, which are areas of necrotic tissue in the jawbone.

According to the ADA, bacteria found in the teeth cannot lead to disease, but the bacteria in a root canalled teeth is not the same as the in the mouth.

Deprived of nutrients and oxygen, it gets converted into extremely dangerous, toxic type, which may cause numerous diseases, jawbone loss, and long-term infections.

He provided important information on the 5 major bacteria species in Hal Huggins article on Root Canal Dangers:

Capnocytophaga ochracea

  • Found in brain abscesses and related to the dental source of infection.
  • Leads to human disease in the central nervous system.
  • Linked to septicemia and meningitis.

Fusobacterium nucleatum:

  • Leads to infections in the heart, spleen, liver, joints
  • Creates toxins which prevent the fibroblast cell division and the wound healing processes

Gemella morbillorum:

  • Related to meningitis, acute invasive endocarditis, and septic arthritis.

Leptotrichia buccalis:

Lowers the number of neutrophils (an essential white blood cell), and thus reduces the immune competence.

Porphyromonas gingivalis:

  • “Destroys red blood cells by drilling holes (porins) in them, causing the cell to bleed to death.” Those low red cell counts which do not recover after dental revision commonly respond to the porin activity of this microbe.
  •  turns friendly bacteria into pathogens
  •  it changes the integrity of the endothelial lining of blood vessels, causing inflammation and bleeding in the inner lining of blood vessels. Dr. Huggins states that it is the essential step in the formation of atherogenesis, which leads to heart attacks.

Dr. George Meinig found that a great part of chronic illness originate from root canals, mostly heart, and circulatory disease, then common diseases affecting the joints, like arthritis and rheumatism, as well as brain and nervous system issues, like ALS and MS.

Therefore, it is of high importance to investigate this issue before you decide to do a surgical procedure of this kind.

You, as well as your biological dentist, and your doctor, should all reconsider all facts and decide whether you will have a root canal or remove the tooth. Additionally, note that the recovery process is significantly determined by the proper pre and post procedure protocol.

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