When The Body Seeks Help: 10 Important Signals That You Can’t Ignore

The human body is a strange thing.Many processes occur in it at the same time. If something unusual happens, we feel it.

However, many of us do not pay attention on these signals. But, isn’t best to remove the problem at the very beginning, rather than wait things to complicate?

These are some of the most important body sings you mustn’t ignore:

Poor sleep, irritability, leg cramps

These signs indicate magnesium and potassium deficiency. Magnesium-rich foods include nuts, like linseed, sunflower, and almonds.

On the other hand, in order to increase the amount of potassium in the body, you should regularly consume green leafy vegetables, like kale, spinach, chard. Moreover, you can also find these trace elements in plums, red beet, and apricots.

Cravings for salty food

This is a sign of an inflammation or infection in the body, in particular, in the urogenital system.

Dry skin

It indicates that your body lacks vitamin e, so you should increase your intake of vegetable oils, oily fish and nuts.

Sweet cravings

If you have an increased desire for sweets, you may suffer from a nervous exhaustion, so you need glucose in order to supply energy. Hence, in order to prevent gastrointestinal issues, you should consume honey or dark chocolate.

Bleeding gums

This indicates that you lack vitamin c, and you should drink plenty of tea, and consume fruits, vegetables, and garlic.

Desire for raw foods

This is a sign of liver issues or gastritis. Thus, raw foods soothe the stomach and reduce cramps.

Dry skin on the elbows

This is a clear symptom of vitamin A and C deficiency. You should consume more fruits and vegetables, especially oranges, carrots, apricots, and pumpkin.

Increased desire for seafood

In this case, your body probably lacks iodine.

Desire for sour food

This is a sign that your body requires sour food in order to stimulate the gallbladder and the liver. Therefore, you should consume cranberries and lemons more.

Brittle hair and nails

In this case, your body lacks calcium and vitamin b, so you should incorporate milk, legumes, potatoes, whole grains, and wheat germ (bread from sprouted grains) in your diet.

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