Many people are wrapping their body in a plastic wrap, which is considered as cosmetic process that leads to the greenhouse effect.

This method increases the function of the sweat glands and the blood circulation and eliminates dangerous substances and toxins from the body.

People are wrapping their bodies in a household foil or a plastic wrap in order to lower their weight, purify the body and make the health of their skin better.

You can wrap your body with foil or plastic wrap in many ways, and each way has its own different benefits. You will read about two ways in this article and you will be able to lower your weight, detox your body and remove cellulite.

Wrapping with honey!

Place some honey in a bowl and heat it. Then you can add one egg yolk and several drops of essential oil by your choice (jojoba, orange or lemon oil).

Smear this mixture on the desired areas like thighs, arms or abdomen and then wrap yourself firmly with plastic or household foil.

Wear some winter clothes and cover your body with blanket. Stay under the blanket for one hour and then take off the wrap and rinse off the mixture from your body.

Wrapping with clay!

This method is considered as one of the most efficient for removing cellulite and burning the extra fat from the body. The blue clay contains large amounts of microelements that are very beneficial for our skin. That’s why the experts are advising the blue clay for this treatment. Add warm water in smaller amount of blue clay until you get a composite with thickness of cream. Smear the resulting mixture on desired area. Wrap it with foil or plastic wrap and put on some warm clothes. Hold your wrappings for one hour. You can do some exercises in order to have the best results possible.

Iterate this method twice in a week and the results will surely come. The cellulite and the fat will be removed as well as the stretch marks.

While wrapped, your skin will get micro elements which will make your skin more flexible, gently and softer. It is recommended to do some body scrub before applying the wrappings on your body.The weight loss benefits of the enveloping in household foil or plastic wrap:

– If you are going to the gym or implementing some exercises you should wrap your abdomen in foil or plastic wrap. If you normalize your diet you will surely lower your weight within one week.

  • The household foil is inexpensive and very easy to be find in any store.
  • You can wrap your arms, feet and stomach.
  • It is very helpful for forming your body.
  • When the foil makes you sweat, that means that you are losing weight.
  • Your skin will be in better condition and your cellulite will be gone.

Warning: If you are affected from cardiovascular ailment, heart ailment, widespread veins or increased blood pressure, you should never try the methods of wrapping in foil or plastic wrap!

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