You Have Been Washing Your Face The Wrong Way

Proper treatment is crucial when it comes to having a beautiful face without any visible blemishes, acne or marks. Washing the face is not the most important, as we all do it.

Learning how to wash it properly is much more important. Keep reading and learn how to wash your face and enjoy the long desired skin.


It seems that it is impossible do to something wrong when it comes to washing your face, as it appears as extremely easy and simple procedure.

However, the facts show that it isn’t so simple after all. Read on and see whether you are making some of the common mistakes in your daily beauty regimen.

1. Most people tend to start with a wet face. It isn’t surprising that most people wet the face prior applying cleanser, as a wet face makes the application easier.

However, this is completely wrong because by doing so, the cleanser is washed away even before it gets the chance to clean the skin.

2. You must be 100% sure that the cleanser you use is right for your skin type. Choosing a face cleanser based on someone`s recommendation is a mistake which many people do. It is really important to consult an expert and find the proper cleanser that suits you.

3. Never leave your makeup on. Washing your face with plain water doesn’t always fully remove the makeup. It is recommended to use a special makeup remover.

Don’t wash your face in the evenings only! Washing the face in morning is a great way to start the day.


Not only that we have showed you the things you have been doing wrong, we will also help you fix them. Adhere to the following steps and change your entire washing routine.

Changing the old skin routine with entirely one and taking care for the skin in the right manner will help you have a more beautiful skin than ever. You will be amazed by the results!

1. Removing the makeup is the first step. Use special makeup remover and make sure you remove the makeup entirely. In addition, there are certain 2 in 1 washes which can also be used for this purpose.

2. The face cleanser should be applied on dry skin. Take a small amount of it and rub your face. Rinse the face with lukewarm water once you have scrubbed the face thoroughly.

You should rub the face with wet hands. This will turn the wash into lather. Let it sit for 30-60 seconds and then splash cold or lukewarm water. Never use hot water!

3. It is advised to avoid rubbing your face with a towel as it causes some aging signs, including wrinkles. Use a soft towel and pat the face very gently. It is recommended to partially dry the face and let the air do the rest for you.

4. Finally, apply some moisturizer on the face. Make sure you always do this as it is the most important part of the whole process. You should apply a thin layer and gently massage in upwards motions.

Avoid pulling the skin downwards. What makes this part so important is the fact that it protects the skin from free radicals, toxins, and other potential skin dangers.

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