Your Brain On Beer Vs Coffee

The following metaphor refers to the college experience and it is quite interesting: getting your degree is like walking a tight rope with a beer in hand and coffee in the other. This metaphor applies even if you don’t drink and don’t like coffee. Moreover, you don’t even have to be a college student.  The whole point of the metaphor is that there is a balance regarding when to relax and when to get to business.

This raises some interesting questions, though. Even though we are aware of the drawbacks of drugs, such as alcohol and caffeine, we still need to maximize their benefits. If this is true, it poses the question whether we are missing the full potential by not taking the right drugs at the right time or not.

Even though it seems effective in theory, there are many people who are doing amazing things without the help. We should also mention Charles Bukowski, who was featured in infographic about sleep habits and productivity.  Although he used to wake up every morning at noon ( which was quite early for him) and despite the fact that he was a very committed alcoholic, he is still one of the most productive writers. In other words, there is a natural tension and release in life which can be enhanced by the use of drugs, but whether or not this is promising to a more fruitful lifestyle is a very difficult question.

Your Brain On Beer Vs Coffee 1

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